Presentation of the New Positioning Reports

If you have a SEO service with ICE DEVELOPMENT Lyon, your monthly positioning reports will be updated on February 8, 2018.
You will now receive 2 emails on the 8th of each month: one containing a link to the summarized PDF report of your positioning, and the other containing a link to the detailed reports.

The three detailed reports previously available on 3 separate pages will now be accessible at a single address. This should greatly simplify the reading of these reports.

All data is also presented in a more readable manner, and we hope you appreciate the increased clarity.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The new SEO reports are responsive (adapted to mobile devices).

Preview of a PDF report

Excerpt from the HTML positioning report

Previewing an HTML report

Extract from the HTML positioning report

As soon as it becomes possible, we will translate the text of the reports.
In the meantime, here is a glossary of the expressions you will frequently encounter in the reports.

Visibility | Visibilité
Keyword | Mot-clé
Keyword Ranking | Classement des mots clés
Top Sites | Meilleurs sites
Rankings Overview | Aperçu des classements
Analytics Dashboard | Tableau de bord Google Analytics
Website Ranking | Classement du site
Behavior | Comportement
Organic | Moteurs de recherche
Paid Search | Recherche payante
Referral | Lien externe (sur d’autres sites)
Direct | Direct (ouverture de votre site directement dans le navigateur. Ex. : favoris, mails, saisi de l’url)
Social | Réseaux sociaux
Campaigns | Campagnes Payantes
Display | Affichage