Title and description, why optimize them ?

“The Meta Title and Meta Description are two factors that greatly influence a user’s choice among the different results offered by search engines.” Accurately stated by Olivier Duffez of WebRankInfo (WRI) : As very aptly stated by Olivier Duffez of WebRankInfo (WRI) : http://www.webrankinfo.com/dossiers/conseils/meta-description-seo

That’s why, for a long time, Ice Development has been committed to optimizing the following elements for each of your pages :

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • H1 (main title)
  • Content
  • Url (web address)

This is an integral part of the SEO service offered by Ice Development and corresponds to the second step of our optimization work.

Optimize for your clients first !

As explained in the WRI article, working on your titles and descriptions ensures a better click-through rate. Hence the need not to have a page without a description or without a title.
And that’s why it’s always necessary to empathize and ask yourself these questions :

  • What is my client looking for ?
  • How can I quickly show them that my page contains what they’re searching for ?

In a previous article, I emphasized the importance of not having duplicated descriptions for your SEO.
This is still true; it’s better not to have a description than to have the same one everywhere.
But ideally, taking the time to write a description for each of your contents remains the best practice.

In conclusion

To impact as many people as possible and improve visibility, the basis of SEO is :

  • Having rich and relevant content
  • Managing to capture the reader’s attention in 3 optimized lines (1 title + 1 description)


Optimize your site now with Ice Development, contact us.